A beach-lovers paradise, IRONMAN 70.3 Ecuador beckons those looking for a chance to race in exotic Ecuador. Thanks to its stunning beaches and diverse water activities including diving, surfing, sailing and fishing, Manta offers the ultimate in vacation opportunities. IRONMAN athletes can now enjoy this beautiful area with the launch of IRONMAN 70.3 Ecuador. The inaugural race takes place on August 9, 2015 in Manta, which is located on the Pacific Ocean Coast. In addition to the spectacular scenery and leisure activities, athletes and their families will enjoy mild weather and an enthusiastic, cheering community, which creates an unbeatable environment for an unforgettable race. Manta is easily accessible thanks to its international airport and offers a first-class hotel.
infrastructure and lots of entertainment and dining opportunities. IRONMAN 70.3 Ecuador begins with a 1.2-mile swim in the Pacific Ocean. Athletes then embark on a one-loop, 56-mile bike course that travels along the coast and then inland into the Pacoche National Park. Finally, a two-loop, flat and fast 13.1-mile run course offers beautiful ocean views and a lively finish line just off of the beach.
Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman-70.3/ecuador.aspx#ixzz3XjIGvkK1
By: Rey Lorenzzi
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